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How Do I Tag a Survey?

Conduct inductive coding on survey responses or analyze open-ended questions by applying tags

Glaiza Veluz avatar
Written by Glaiza Veluz
Updated over a week ago

You can tag your survey to carry out a robust analysis of the survey results. Tagging surveys is especially important when analyzing responses from open-ended questions using your list of indicators/tags or if you are coding your survey inductively.

  • You can view the articles here and here to learn more about tags.

  • See here to know how to embed tags in single-choice and multi-choice types of questions.

You can skip this how-to article and scroll down to the end to see the video tutorial.

Follow the steps below to tag your survey. An example is used for this how-to article to better illustrate the steps.

Click the images in this article to enlarge them.

1. Open the survey you want to tag.

In our example, we are selecting Mobile Health Clinic Survey as the survey study to tag. This sample survey collected feedback from women who accessed the services of a mobile health clinic in their area.

2. Go to the ‘Responses’ page where the survey responses are listed. Click a survey you want to tag.

3. Once the selected survey is opened, toggle on the ‘Edit survey answers.’

4. Select the survey question you want to tag.

In this example, we want to analyze answers to the open-ended question “What improvements would you suggest for the mobile health clinic services based on your experience?.” By adding tags to the responses, we will be able to analyze trends/patterns around the question.

To apply the tags to the response, click the 'plus (+) icon' at the lower left portion of the screen.

A dialog box appears which displays the question and answer you want to tag. At the lower left, click the 'plus (+) icon.'

Clicking the 'plus (+) icon':

  1. Directs you to a list of tags you already have

  2. Allows you to create a new tag

Using your existing tag list to tag a survey response:

In this example, the existing list of tags was displayed after clicking the 'plus (+) icon'. You can select from this list the appropriate tag for the survey response. After selecting a tag, it will appear at the lower left corner of the interface highlighted in yellow.

Note: You can apply multiple tags to a survey response.

Creating a new tag

Click ‘Create new’ found at the bottom of the screen if you need to create a new tag. Creating a new tag usually occurs in inductive coding

The dialog box for creating new tags appears. Select the tag group and enter the new tag you want. Click ‘Create tag’ and the newly created tag applied to the survey response appears in the lower left portion of the screen, highlighted in yellow.

In our example, I created the tag ’Awareness raising’ for the survey response, which I categorized under the ‘Health Education’ tag group. It appeared on the bottom of the screen, signifying that the tag had been successfully applied.

To see and visualize/chart the tags applied to a survey question, see the article here

Your survey respondents can also tag their survey responses to save time in analyzing your data. You can read here to set it up.

You can also see the video below.

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